by Teika Today I am delighted to welcome Francesca T Barbini of Luna Press Publishing to the blog. I’ve long been a fan of Francesca and the books she publishes, so it’s been wonderful to get an insight into the workings of the press and how she decides which manuscripts to take on and publish […]
A glimpse into the world of poetry publishing: 6 interviews with poets published by Indigo Dreams
by Teika: Having been involved in the world of poetry as a publisher for many years, it’s a real delight to put on an “author hat” for a change! Tomorrow, my debut poetry pamphlet, Russian Doll, will be published by Indigo Dreams Publishing. And, thanks to the organizational drive of fellow IDP poets, Claire Booker […]
How to find the right literary agent for your book and you
by Teika Having worn a number of hats throughout lockdown – homeschool teacher, freelance editor, publisher, writer and writing mentor – this blog has taken a bit of a backseat. However, I’ve not been taking my eye off the publishing world, and indeed, conversations with my lovely and talented mentees have given me much food […]
Writing through lockdown
by Teika ‘Strange days’, ‘unsettling times’, ‘unprecedented situation’. These are just a few of the phrases that most of us will have come across on a regular basis in recent weeks. It’s almost becoming clichéd to use these words about the current Covid-19 pandemic, and yet those phrases do adequately describe what we’re living through. […]
Q&A with writer Jonathan Pinnock
by Teika Today, I am very happy to welcome Jonathan Pinnock to the blog. I’ve known Jonathan “virtually” for what seems like a fair while in the world of the internet, so it’s great to finally get him over here answering my many nosy questions. Thanks again Jonathan! 1. How, when and why […]
Are you honest about your writing goals?
by Teika January, of course, is the month for setting goals. Many of us have plans for ‘getting that novel published’ or ‘acquiring an agent’ or ‘finally doing something about that poetry pamphlet’ in the year ahead. Goals are good. Dreaming big is good. They are both incredibly useful since they enable you to make […]