by Teika Today I am delighted to welcome Francesca T Barbini of Luna Press Publishing to the blog. I’ve long been a fan of Francesca and the books she publishes, so it’s been wonderful to get an insight into the workings of the press and how she decides which manuscripts to take on and publish […]
How to find the right literary agent for your book and you
by Teika Having worn a number of hats throughout lockdown – homeschool teacher, freelance editor, publisher, writer and writing mentor – this blog has taken a bit of a backseat. However, I’ve not been taking my eye off the publishing world, and indeed, conversations with my lovely and talented mentees have given me much food […]
What’s in a cover price? And why should authors care? (Part 2 – the indie/small press scene)
By Teika: At the end of this blog post (Part 1, in which I explained how the traditional publishing model works) I promised an exploration of some other models. Some *ahem* months later I’ve finally gathered together the relevant information and herded my unruly and disparate thoughts into some kind of order. And as the […]
Publishing demystified – an interview with Teika Bellamy
by Teika After I gave my short course, ‘Publishing Demystified’, at Swanwick Writers’ Summer School last month I was interviewed by Steve Barnett of the Southampton Writers’ Circle. Steve asked me various interesting questions about the publishing world and put the whole thing on camera. So here are some of my thoughts on the complex […]
Q&A with J.S. Emuakpor of Afrocentric Books
by Teika I am delighted to welcome J.S. Emuakpor of Afrocentric Books to the blog today to talk about all things publishing. And as Afrocentric Books are currently open to submissions for short stories for AfroMyth Volume 2, I hope it inspires some writers to check out Afrocentric Books and get subbing! Huge thanks to […]
Q&A with Jane Spencer of Eyrie Press
by Teika I am ever so happy to be able to welcome the wonderful Jane Spencer of Eyrie Press to the blog today, and since Eyrie Press has just now opened to new submissions I hope that this Q&A inspires some writers to get submitting to them. Many thanks to Jane for taking the time […]