By Tom: For most busy people, a free afternoon is an unbelievable treat. A block of time with no meetings, childcare, or other responsibilities – nothing but the promise of “me time”. It could be a chance to de-stress and relax with a good book, but it could also be a chance to get creative; […]
The perfect last minute gift for a writer
By Tom: It’s that time of year again when busy, multitasking people suddenly realize there is a gap in their scrupulously organized ranks of gifts. Inexplicably, someone has been overlooked. Or, it’s that time of year when disorganized and forgetful people suddenly realize they’ve left things to the last minute again, and the shops are […]
The beginning, part two
By Tom: 7 years ago I had a conversation with my wife that changed my life. In fact, it led to many changes in our lives. First, and most obviously, it led to the creation of Mother’s Milk Books. Second, and less obviously, it led our family away from the standard model of two parents […]
The beginning
By Teika: 7 years ago I had a conversation with my husband that changed my life. Our daughter was about to start school, and the spectre of my old job loomed ever larger. I didn’t want to go back to it. I wanted to go forward, to embark on a new project, one that could […]