by Teika I am delighted to welcome J.S. Emuakpor of Afrocentric Books to the blog today to talk about all things publishing. And as Afrocentric Books are currently open to submissions for short stories for AfroMyth Volume 2, I hope it inspires some writers to check out Afrocentric Books and get subbing! Huge thanks to […]
Q&A with Jane Spencer of Eyrie Press
by Teika I am ever so happy to be able to welcome the wonderful Jane Spencer of Eyrie Press to the blog today, and since Eyrie Press has just now opened to new submissions I hope that this Q&A inspires some writers to get submitting to them. Many thanks to Jane for taking the time […]
10 perennial problems in short story submissions
By Teika Having just now been in the thick of reading submissions for The Forgotten and the Fantastical 5, I was once again struck by the fact that year on year the same issues crop up in the short stories I’m sent. So I thought it would be of use to run through the most […]